Microsoft Courier to live on through Windows 8 app codenamed Project Austin

Back in September 2009 a new project at Microsoft was found. It was called Microsoft Courier and looked to be an excellent device useful for creating and managing ideas. Although the Courier was both confirmed and killed by Microsoft in a paragraph, the project looks to be living on by the way of an App for the new Windows 8 devices.

The app is currently codenamed Project Austin and is described as being a digital note taking app for Windows 8. It lets you connect up to various sources such as your photos, Skydrive and other services to get media that you can insert in to a virtual book and annotate those notes.

The team behind it have made a conscious effort to switch off searching and organisation so that the book you file your virtual scribbles in is as close to a real life note book as possible. For those wanting organisation and searchability, they recommend you use OneNote.

Project Austin looks very promising. If you prefer to look at the technical details such as how the team smooths the edges of scribbles as well as a look in to the C++ code used to create it, you can follow along the project and see some video demonstrations over on the MSDN blog.

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